Thursday, March 31, 2011

City Chickens

Our local town council does not currently allow for chickens or for bees. We would like to see that change. So if you are from Creston BC and would like to join us in this endeavor let us know!

You can leave a comment, and/or join the Facebook group, 'Creston Urban Chickens & Bees' and let's get Creston flowing with eggs and honey ;-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Project

Yes, it is time for a new project! According to Joanne Gailius we can grow sweet potatoes here so I'm going to give it a try.

Step one was putting the sweet potatoes into water so they can begin to grow slips. It is very important that you purchase organic so they haven't been sprayed to prevent sprouting. Time will tell if this will succeed. As I am food intolerant of regular potatoes I am really hoping this works, grow what you eat and eat what you grow after all.