Start with a nice clean ice-cream pail (with lid) fill with slices of the larger cucumbers. Alternate layers of cucumbers with sliced onions and red pepper slices. (1 onion and 2-3 peppers per bucket). Though they are even prettier with the red peppers I leave them out due to allergies.
The next step is making the brine. In a pot mix:
4 cups white sugar
2 cups white vinegar
2 Tbsp. pickling salt
1 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. mustard seed
1 tsp. turmeric
Heat to a soft boil over medium heat stirring often and pour over the cucumbers in the bucket. (Yes it is that bright and that smelly, the vinegar is strong.)
The brine won't cover the cucumbers, they will release their own juices to add to the brine that will accomplish this. You can see here about how 'deep' the brine is to start.
You need to keep the pickles in the fridge and stir them once a day for three days then they are ready to eat. Actually once they change colour they are ready to eat, just #1 don't tell my children this and #2 still keep stirring for all three days.
They store in the fridge for up to 6 months. I write the date on the bucket's lid and toss them after they come due, if there are any left that is. Very Yummy! Thanks yet again to Margaret for a great recipe that has served us well for years.
ETA: For our Dill Pickles in a Bucket recipe go here. The first bucket is only a week old, they aren't ready yet, but they are almost all gone. I'm thinking the children like 'em :o)
Wow! I had never heard of this method. I always knew it was summer when Granny had her huge crock of smelly vinegar brine and cucumbers (held down by an odd plate) for 3 weeks! Whew! It sure stank!
I would love to try this method, but we don't go through pickles very fast. Could you can them or would they go all mushy?
They keep for 6 months in the fridge. Also you can make a half batch. My mom put hers into a 2 quart jar once they had been sirred enough. Very pretty and it can sit in the door of the fridge.
Has anyone tried to cut the sugar in half?
After they have been in the fridge for 3 days can you can then in water bath?
Has anyone tried this recipe/concept with beets instead of cucumbers and balsamic vinegar instead of white vinegar? We hoped it would be a much easier method than canning them this year.
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